

  • Himeko Katagiri/Ninja Mc Tits
  • They are the owner of Tsundere violence and have many aliases but is mostly known as Himeko Katagiri and Ninja Mc Tits. They have helped me out a lot and have released pretty much everything I've made for me. Really cool dude.
  • Esca-chan
  • Nice person who made the original layout for the homepage of my site and also kinda gave me the idea of making one myself. He does really good music and other cool stuff too. Check out his site!
  • Goodbye Neko/Maximator
  • Great guy who released my first Meronti album on CD-R and will soon also do the same for my second. He's the owner of Moessacre and has a few different aliases but is mostly known as Goodbye Neko or Maximator. His music is really good I especially like his Goodbye Neko stuff.
  • Ayane Fukumi
  • Really good mashcore/lolicore artist that I've been friends with for ahwile. They are super friendly. They make really good stuff check them out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Music is Neon Flower from 24 Effects